| | YH3BF剖分式油润滑艉轴密封装置 | | | 说明: 适用于安装、更换、维修不需拆卸螺旋桨轴及舵叶,且润滑工作介质为油的各类船舶。 Remarks: It is suitable for kinds of vessels that do not need to disassemble the propeller shaft and rudder blade while installing, changing and maintaining and whose lubricating working nedium is oil.
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| | YQ2B剖分式油润滑艉轴密封装置 | | | 说明: 轴套及前密封装置可采用剖分式或整体式结构。用户可以根据具体的要求选定。 Remarks: The shaft housing and forward sealing apparatus can adopt a split or integral construction. Customers can make their own choice according to different requirements. (点击查看大图) | |
| | SM/SMB型水润滑艉轴密封装置 | | | 说明:适用于以水为润滑介质的各种类型船舶。 轴向串动≤1mm时,可选用SM型: 轴向串动≤±3mm时,及转速较高时可选用SMB型。 Remarks: It is suitable for kinds of vessels whose working medium is water. When the axial vibration≤1mm,the SM type can be used; When the axial vibration≤±3mm and then speed is high,the SMB type can be used.
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| | SMA-II型/IIB型/SMC型水润滑端面密封装置 | | | 说明: 主要适用于艉轴直径及轴向串动较大,以水为润滑介质的各类船舶。 Remarks: It is suitable for kinds of vessels that have a large stern shaft diameter and axial vibration and whose lubricating medium is water.
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| | JQ/CS 48A艉轴密封装置 | | | 说明: 长江及内河航行的船舶,特别是小型快艇,建议选用该类装置。 Remarks: It is suggested for inland water vessels especially for small yachts.
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