| | JQ/CS 49艉轴密封装置 | | | 说明: 长江及内河航行的船舶,且润滑工作介质为油类,建议选用该类装置。 Remarks: This type of apparatuses is suitable for vessels in inland water whose lubricating woring medium is oil.
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| | JQ/CS 39艉轴密封装置 | | | 说明: 长江及内河航行的船舶,且润滑工作介质为油类,船舶艉轴直径较小时,建议选用该类装置。 Remarks: When inland water vessels have oil as their lubricating working medium and do not have a large stern shatf,this type of apparatuses is suggested to be chosen.
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| | CB*769-86船用整体式橡胶轴承 | | | 说明: 船舶艉管工作介质为水,建议选用该橡胶轴承。 Remarks: The rubber bushing is suggested to be used when the lubricating medium of stern tube is water.
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| | JQ/CS 39艉轴轴承 | | | 说明: 长江及内河航行的船舶,且艉管工作介质为油类,船艉轴不大时,建议选用该类型艉管轴承。 Remarks: This type of bearings is suitable for inland water vessels whose stern bube working medium is oil and that do not have a large stern shaft.
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| | 船舶艉管白合金轴承 | | | 说明 本轴承适用于各种类型油润介质的船舶 Remarks: This bearing is suitable for vessels of different sizes whose lubricating medium is oil.
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